National CYO Federation Insert (6 January
A quote from Pope Paul VI recounting his visit
with Ecumenical Patriarch Athendagoras in
Jerusalem. Also, "Christ's Prayer at
the Last Summer for Unity" is provided.
The New York Times – Pope and Orthodox
Leader Meet and Open ‘Door’ (6 January 1964)
The New York Times details the meeting of Pope
Paul VI and Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras.
The meeting is said to have opened the door for
dialogue and cooperation, where differences in
Chicago Sun-Times – Pope, Patriarch Meet,
Exchange ‘Kiss of Peace’ (6 January 1964)
This partial news clipping accounts the kiss of
peace between Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical
Patriarch Athenagoras at their meeting in
Jerusalem. It reports that the two leaders'
action is the...
Chicago Tribune – Pope, Patriarch Confer
(6 January 1964)
The Chicago Tribune reports on the first of two
meetings between Pope Paul VI and Ecumenical
Patriarch Athenagoras. The article explains that
the meeting took 29 minutes wherein the two
Messages between US President Lyndon Johnson and
Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras (10 January
Following the historic meeting between
Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul
VI in Jerusalem on Jan. 6, 1964, President
Lyndon Johnson sent a congratulatory message
below to Ecumenical...